Sunday, August 15, 2010

She would be 100!

Clarice (Hurlburt) Mooney

Today, August 15, 2010 would have been my mother's 100th birthday.

She was a good woman and a wonderful mother.

I wish I could give her a call, as I always did on Sunday evening. I'd wish her a Happy Birthday and tell her that I appreciate her more every day. It seems that you have to age and mature, (grow up) and experience some of the things that she experienced as she took her journey through this life, before you can truly understand what a precious gift you have been given, and what an incredible loss you have experienced.

Happy Birthday and thank you Mom!

I love you.

I miss you.

If you would like to know more about this wonderful woman please go to my older posts and read about her life as expressed last September on the tenth anniversary of her graduation to her new life eternal!