Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This is our second son...Justin Charles Mooney on the day he was born.
I would apologize for the quality of that photo...but I didn't take it.

This is a better look at him on the day he was born...

even is the new Mr. Mooney with his eyes open.

This is Justin in his personally knit green sleeper that Judy took to the hospital to bring him home in...of course it was a gender neutral colour.

Here he is when we got home. Looks mighty content doesn'g he?

This is a typical picture of Justin...sleeping on the couch.

Oh...Oh...taboo!! Justin sleeping on his front...we were so naive..but then Judy and I were only kids ourselves.

Here's Justin's first real posed photo by a professional photographer...(the first picture in this blog was obvioulsy not done by a professional). I expect the gash between his eyes was a battle wound inflicted by his big brother.

This little boy was a smiler...still is...and so are his kids...wonder where he got that big smile?

Looks like Justin's first Christmas.

Maybe his big smile came from the hot mama bringing him his first birthday cake...ya think?

Justin had big brown eyes...we always said they looked like two pee holes in a snowbank...and a little button nose...

Oops...we let our boys play with dolls...but we tried to offset that with building blocks

This is Jusin at two years old with his brother James who is 11 months older than him.

Here's the second birthday can see that we cut someone out of the picture.

The boys were only 11 months apart and we usually took the easy way out by having them celebrate together. Never really thought much about it but we sure heard about it as the boys got older...and we still do...sorry boys...

Our neighbour worked at Eaton's and quite often brought home treats for the boys. She did this on the bus...neighbours were, and are special people. Justin just ran out of gas here...and again...Justin sleeping on the couch. Notice the heavy duty shoes on his feet...wouldn't catch kids these days wearing ankle high leather shoes like that...would ya?

This looks like birthday number 3.

Poor kids couldn't even get their picture taken by themselves...but that will soon change with the start of annual school pictures...

This was our little family in about 1977.

This is Justin's fourth birthday. For those of you who know them the little girl is Jennie Cox and the little boy beside her is her brother Brian Cox.

This is the way I remember Justin...

He always had a glint of mischief in his eyes...

Aaahhhhh...the start of school pictures...parents love 'em...
This would be ECS at St. Margaret's School in Calgary.

Christmas was always a fun time around our house. Notice the size of the boys stockings hung by the chimney with care. They still want to use them.

Justin in grade 1 at Collingwood Elementary in Calgary.

He was such a saw a sequel to this photo on Josh's birthday blog....

Here's Justin in his first year in hockey with the Triwood Tykes. We had no intention of putting our kids in hockey but this coach talked us into it...the guy giving Justin his first hockey trophy is none other than our long time friend Wayne Holmgren.
Justin is second from the left on the front row. His brother James is just behind him at the end of the back row. Jeffrey Holmgren, a life long friend of the boys is in the centre of the back row right behind the goaltender.

Somehow I found the time to coach Justin in baseball. I actually think it was T-ball but it's so long ago that I really can't remember.
I'm the funny looking guy with the blue shirt. Looks like I didn't shave much back then.
The other coach lived up our back lane and our kids played together. His name, if my memory serves me correctly, was Eric Courtney.
Here's grade two at Collingwood Elementary. Justin seems to be missing a tooth or two.

Judy was always talented at sewing. She made these costumes for the boys to wear out on Halloween. James was a clown...and I think Justin was a mouse.

This is Justin's second and last year playing with the Triwood Hockey team.

Gotta love those big glasses...and that big smile!
This is Justin in grade 3 at Elsie Dorsey school in Regina. We moved there so I could go back to finish my education at the U of R. Justin now lives within a block of his old elementary school in Regina.

Justin played one year of Novice hockey in Regina with the Canadians.

Another Christmas...this time in Regina...I used to call Justin by many of them was "Bones". He was such a skinny how times have changed.

Justin played one year of Atom hockey in Regina with the Sabres. He is the goaltender on the right end of the front row. He was a pretty good goaltender...even won a trophy...still has it on his dresser in his bedroom.

Grade 4 in Regina.

Justin was always active in sports...

Here's Justin at the Laverne Tetreau farm. We were at the farm for Horse Creek Bible School and Laverne had his horses in a fenced pasture close to the farm yard. Justin would take some long stems of grass and go out to the pasture to try to catch a horse. Laverne told him that if he could catch a horse he would let him ride it. Needless to say no one expected the horse to be dumb enough to let a kid catch it. But he did...he worked and he worked...perseverence paid off and he did get to ride the horse...ten gallon hat and all.

Grade 5 in Estevan.

Grade 6 in Estevan

Grade 7 in Estevan at Estevan Junior High.

Grade 8 in Estevan at Estevan Junior High. Coincidentally this is the time when Justin met his future can you blame her for chasing him down...I mean...just look at that smile!!!

This should be grade 9 back in Calgary at David Thompson Jr. High.

And then she caught him...or at least it seemed like it was that quick.

After they were married Justin spent about 10 years growing up...

At least that's what his wife would have you believe....I think he spent about 10 years goofing around...

And then came our first grandchild...Caden John...

Christmas as a family...

Here's Justin Charles with my first grandson Caden John on his second birthday. Justin looks about as excited about the sparklers as Caden...

And then...BAM...Dylan Michael....Evan Timothy....Liam second, third and fourth grandsons...
This is Justin proving to the nurse in the hospital nursery that he is in fact their father...this is only about an hour after they were born.

Here's my son, in his STAMPEDER jersey...(GO STAMPS GO) with his four sons...three in the crib...all wearing STAMPEDER shirts...on Grey Cup Sunday...2008.

And here he is now...Mr. Mom...I have never seen a man who takes such pride and displays such love and patience for his children...well done my son. Yo' mama and yo' papa are incredibly proud of you.
Have an incredible birthday.
Oh crap...I forgot the picture of Justin in his birthday suit.... year...ya'll come back now...ya' hear!


Nicola said...

Hahahaha... Is it just me or did justin kind-of look like the kid on the Mad-Magazine cover during his elementry school years.
Thanks for sharing again. We really look forward to these birthday posts.
Love, James, Nicola and the girls.

Unknown said...

Well that was a trip down memory lane. Well done, so good to see Justin all grown up, can't remember the last time we were in the same location.