Here are some "well known proverbs"...well, more accurately here are the beginnings of some "well known proverbs". Fill in the blanks.
In Part II (could be later today, tomorrow or after sufficient comments are contributed by readers of this blog) I will give you the answers from a group of first graders...stay tuned. (Y'all come back now...ya'here)
- Better to be safe than ________.
- Strike while the ____________.
- It's always darkest before _______.
- Never underestimate the power of _______.
- You can lead a horse to water but _______.
- Don't bite the hand that ________.
- No news is _________.
- A miss is a good as a _________.
- You can't teach an old dog ______.
- If you lie down with dogs, you'll _______.
- Love all, trust ________.
- The pen is mightier than the _________.
- An idle mind is _________.
- Where there's smoke there's ________.
- Happy the bride who _________.
- A penny saved is ___________.
- Two's company, three's ________.
- Don't put off till tomorrow what _______.
- Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry and _____.
- There are none so blind as _______.
- Children should be seen and not _______.
- If at first you don't succeed ______.
- You get out of something only what you ______.
- When the blind leadeth the blind _______.
- Better late than _________.
wow, you sure do ask a lot of your readers, hey?
first you want comments and NOW you want us to think about your little quizzes too?!?
It's not so much that I want comments. I'm just curious who is checking on what I say. The counter keeps racking them up...but nobody admits to visiting. I'd simply like an idea of who visits so I can better judge what content is appropriate to post. If it's just the family I can post family stuff. If it's a more non family visitors I can adjust the content to be more sensitive to the family and hopefully more interesting to them.
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